Eucolin drops - 30 ml

Eucolin 1Eucolin drops

Eucolin is a dietary supplement made from glycerine macerate of Tilia and Tamarisk, with dry titrated extracts of Fennel and Chamomile. Thanks to its composition appositely studied for a rapid and effective action, Eucolin drops results useful in states of the infant’s gaseous colic and in the abdominal pains of spastic nature.

Infant’s gaseous colic: 20 drops 2 times per day half an hour before eating.

Abdominal pain of the child: 20 drops 3 times per day.

Tilia tomentosa Moench. Gems M.G., Foeniculum vulgare Mill. Seeds E.S.; Tamarix gallica L. gems M.G.; Matricaria chamomile L. flower heads E.S.


30 ml bottle.

The used vegetal extracts have anti-meteoric, anti-spastic and carminative properties. Eucolin drops presents an excellent palatability and a high tolerability profile.

Sava Medical Ltd.

Bank account in BGN:
IBAN: BG85FINV91501015977178
BIC FINVBGSF First Investment Bank
VAT (ID) number under VAT Law: BG202696081
UIN: 202696081

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